HT Localization Presents Language Translations for Real Life: International Success - eLearning Localization
HT Localization Blog
Segment 14 - International Success - eLearning Localization             Now that 2013 is in full swing, it is time to get into gear. You’ve put away your Christmas decorations, reviewed your personal goals for the New Year, and are now roaring to get your life in order.   How about your driver’s license?  Have you looked to see if it expires this year?  If you are living abroad, have you checked to see if the laws permit you to continue driving with your foreign or international driver’s license?  The peril of life as an expat once again emerges…
HT Localization Presents Language Translations for Real Life: New Year Resolutions for 2013 – Estoy Constipada
HT Localization Blog
Segment 13 - New Year Resolutions for 2013 – Estoy Constipada Why do people make New Year Resolutions?  We all know that well over 85% of all New Year Resolutions fail.  People across the world embrace the New Year, promising and hoping for something that will deliver a better tomorrow for themselves, family, friends, neighbors, country and/or the world.    “I want to obtain financial freedom/true love/better health... I’ll try to be a better...
HT Localization Presents Language Translations for Real Life: Santa Claus, Papa Noel, St. Nick & Los Reyes Magos
HT Localization Blog
Segment 12 - Santa Claus, Papa Noel, St. Nick & Los Reyes Magos During this time, one can say Happy Holidays, smile and spread happy blessings of joy and peace to virtually anyone they meet in the street. No matter where you are from, most people are cheerful and welcoming of one another with positivity, good spirits and joy.  Whether you are celebrating the period for religious reasons or for family quality time or simply commercial reasons, it is simply a wonderful time of the year.  The day after Christmas, as we were walking back from the store with fresh bread and freshly made King’s Cake, my daughter asked me a very deep question…   “Why does my friend, Maria, receive presents from the Three Kings, and we don’t?”  Ahh, the questions many expat kids living in Spain will eventually ask their parents, has finally arrived...
HT Localization Presents Language Translations for Real Life:Themes You Just Can’t Find the Words to Translate
HT Localization Blog
Segment 11 - Ten Themes You Just Can’t Find the Words to Translate Well, it finally happened to me!  I was speechless… I was with some friends in Madrid, having fun light conversation, when one person told a story, and concluded with "No ande buscando tres pies al gato"...He then turned to me and asked, “How would you say that in English?”  I stuttered, “Uh…I don't know something like...don’t walk around cats with 3 feet?"  A hearty laugh came from the group...
HT Localization Presents Language Translations for Real Life: Localization of Popular Legends - The Tooth Fairy, El Ratón Pérez or La Petite Souris?
HT Localization Blog
Segment 10 - Localization of Popular Legends - The Tooth Fairy, El Ratón Pérez or La Petite Souris? My 7 year old daughter recently came home from her tennis lesson with her front tooth in her pocket.  Very excited she shouted, “Yay, I get money tonight!”, while waving her front tooth wildly in the air.   Yes, even 7 year olds understand the value of a fallen tooth. That night, as we prepared the tooth in her special golden cloth pouch, and placed it under her pillow, an intriguing conversation unfolded...
HT Localization Presents Language Translations for Real Life: Localization of Colors Around the World – A Business Perspective
HT Localization Blog
Segment 9 - Localization of Colors Around the World – A Business Perspective In the last article, I discussed the cultural influence of colors and why localization of colors should first be understood from a cultural perspective.  In this segment, I will elaborate on colors and share how the cultural factors have impacted business decisions.  But before I begin, I want to answer a burning question from the last article: “Can we wear black to the wedding?”  
HT Localization Presents Language Translations for Real Life: Localization of Colors Around the World
HT Localization Blog
Segment 8 - Localization of Colors Around the World Color is serious business.  Countless hours are spent thinking of which colors to decorate one’s home, office, studio, wardrobe, hair, store, business image, etc.  Millions of dollars are spent by advertisers to determine the perfect color or combination of colors for products, brands and images.  Even more millions are spent by the producers of colors (ie. paint manufactures, designers, artists) to develop the perfect color, shade, tint and hue to elicit the perfect emotions.  Color must first be understood as a human factor, and like words in a language, colors have a distinct meaning to different people and cultures... 
HT Localization Presents Language Translations for Real Life: Coffee Talk with International Mommies - French
HT Localization Blog
Segment 7 - Coffee Talk with International Mommies - Picking French Bones One thing I’ve learned living here in the expat community in Madrid, is that everyone has a bone to pick about the “proper” way to speak a language.  In Madrid, English is an interesting concept, as discussed in my earlier post. Children are taught British English in school, but American pop culture seems to prevail...
HT Localization Presents Language Translations for Real Life: Coffee Talk with International Mommies
HT Localization Blog
Segment 6 - Coffee Talk with International Mommies  So when we first moved to Madrid, I found life here very different than in San Francisco.  The people in Madrid are so relaxed, so casual, so interested in family and “non-work” talk. The women dress very nice.  Just to walk in the park with a baby stroller means being decked out in the latest fashion and high heels.  Hair is always styled and make-up always perfect. When folks find out that I am American, they are excited to practice their English and ask me all sort of questions about the difference between American and British speak – localization of life...
HT Localization Presents Language Translations for Real Life: How to Raise Multilingual Kids
HT Localization Blog
Segment 5 – How to Raise Multilingual Kids In my last segment I discussed how being multilingual makes one a better multi-tasker, a great problem solver, very creative, emotionally controlled, able to fight the effects of ageing, and more...  The benefits of being multilingual are compelling enough to make parents consider the notion of trying to foster an environment of “multilingualism” for their offspring...